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Week’s reflection – Create your reality

Posted by | July 19, 2014 .
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I met with my Life Coach, Tanya Smith this week. She helped me create my Vision board. I have learned so much from her, from the first time I met her when she came to me for massage therapy. Fast forward several months and now we both have offices in the same suite and able to both use each other’s services. One thought she passed on to me was “CREATE your reality.” This was an eye opener for me. I have been working on fulfilling my goals and dreams, but to think of it as creating my reality gives me so much more POWER in what I am trying to achieve. When I think back on things, I have been creating my reality. I wanted to help others in holistic health and wellness. I’ve written many articles, along with my health blog. The articles have reached people all over the world and now people email me, text me, Facebook me and Instagram me for information on health and wellness (I love Social Media). Popular health topics include:

– Sickle Cell

– Natural remedies for Herpes

– Female issues such as natural programs for fibroid tumors

– Anxiety

to name a few.

With my health blog I have been reaching people worldwide for over 5 years. I have been a Massage Therapist for 3 years now. I am creating my reality, helping people de-stress, get healthy and stay fit. Now, working with my Life Coach and I also have a Business Coach, Regina Jackson, I am coming closer and closer to the reality I want to create. My holistic business is growing at a nice pace. I have gained some wonderful clients through word-of-mouth along with the DEALS and SPECIALS I run on DEAL sites and my website.

Ladies love sexy wraps – blasting away all the cellulite and stretch marks!!!

I sent an e-blast earlier this week. See the link below incase you missed it. I explained the different levels of cellulite and the best program you want to do to rid cellulite. Ladies are loving the “Sexy Wraps.” 

If you want to “Create your Reality” on health and other aspects of your life contact me. If you would like to know more about my Life Coach and Business Coach, I would be glad to share their information.

Reach me at: momsherbs@gmail or call/text at: 708-232-8970.

Enjoy your weekend and remember to rejoice in the day the Lord has made and be glad in it!


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