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Posted by | October 30, 2009 .

Another video to watch educating us why we should NOT get the flu shot, by Dr. Mercola. WATCH HERE

Don’t miss discounts during October

Posted by | October 29, 2009 .

The great promo packets on my Nature Sunshine site are available until the end of October. Take advantage of these great deals with this top quality company that has been around for over 35 years. I am writer for now and LOVING IT! I am the Chicago Holistic Health Examiner. So excited to have […]

Doctor says “NO” to flu vaccine

Posted by | October 23, 2009 .

Dr. Eisenstein discusses why he says NO to the flu vaccine on WGNTV recently. This doctor shares valuable information. Make sure you have Vitamin D stocked in your home for flu season: Have a great weekend!

Important Health Topics you want to know…

Posted by | October 20, 2009 .

Some hot topics that I have seen online through twitter, facebook and my emails are serious and I just had to share with all my readers. Young woman disabled from routine flu shot! It is a warning she wants everyone to hear: High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical “HMF” When Heated I was happy […]

October Hot Topics

Posted by | October 2, 2009 .

My clients keep me on my toes. I always remind everyone that for every disease and disorder there is a natural alternative. God provided us with his herbs for healing. Women suffering with fibroids need to know there is an answer to their problem. I have a great herbal program that has helped women avoid […]

Vaccine update

Posted by | August 18, 2009 .

The topic on the choice to get vaccinations or not has been a very controversial topic but the information I read causes me to be very concern on the thought of allowing my family to get vaccinations. I don’t care if it is for the Swine Flu or any other disease. People need to really […]

Preventive steps for Swine Flu plus facts you need to know

Posted by | April 30, 2009 .

First, I would like to thank Dr. Sheri Tenpenny for all she does to help people become more aware. I attended a very revealing and informative webinar Thursday night, April 29th presented by Dr. Tenpenny. After seeing tons of headlines on the Swine Flu I could not miss the webinar that Dr. Tenpenny set up […]

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