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Praying for Kanye West – Emotional health

Posted by | November 25, 2016 .



Rap artist Kanye West has been in the news quite a bit lately after his breakdown during his concert in Sacramento, California. He was hospitalized for dehydration and sleep deprivation this Thanksgiving weekend.

Even though he is a world renowned rapper and producer, he is our own son, friend and cousin here in the Chicago area. His mom was a well known instructor at Chicago State University and we all will never forget the news around this time of year nine years ago when she passed away. Kanye has never been the same, of course, after losing his own mom, who I am sure, was his inspiration and ā€œgo toā€ for comfort and support.

As the BET report mentions below (see link), this situation with Kanye Westā€™s psychiatric conditions may help bring mental health awareness to the forefront, especially for the Black Community. As an herbalist, for emotional health I try to include supplements to support the nervous system like our vitamin Bs. Herbs and natural cleanses for the Liver is important too. Because the Liver is the organ of emotions, based on Chinese medicine. The specific emotion linked the liver is anger. So keep the liver healthy. Chinese Mood Elevator is a good herbal Chinese Medicine for emotional health. It helps promote the sense of health and well-being. Lastly, using Aromatherapy for emotional health is a secret more are discovering. Using different essential oils have benefits to help emotions such as anger, grief, depression, sadness and fear. Just inhaling the oils sooth, relax and help people regain a calmness. Add positive affirmations and breathing techniques effectiveness. One of my favorite oil blends include: Refuge Calming blend, INSPIRE Uplifting blend, CORE Balancing blend and of course Lavender and Frankincense is calming. Neroli is an anti-depressant. Ā Check my website below…

Recommended Herbs from listed below:

Liver Balance

Liver Cleanse

Vitamin B Complex

Chinese Mood Elevator

BET Update:


Call or text your Herbalist, Marguerite for questions and a personalized program – 708-232-8970.

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