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Positive Affirmations to start the week

Posted by | August 20, 2013 .
Trees represent, past, present and future

Trees represent, past, present and future

To be an successful business owner takes lots of positive thinking, self-motivation and determination. I love to start my day with positive affirmations, bible scriptures and a bright outlook to my week.

One of my Facebook friends posts daily affirmations and for today, – Monday, August 19, 2013, I loved this one:

Affirmation of the Day –
“The Universe is working in perfect alignment with what I focus on.”

To visualize this makes me feel in control and ready to face the world. To be a woman of “a particular age” as Wendy Williams would say can be really good because I now have a certain confidence and strength to make things happen. When you know the power of God and your own capabilities it makes it all better.

One final thought I would like to share is perfect to focus on (thank you to another Facebook friend I follow).

ā€œFinally I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am. That I will never fulfill my obligation to surpass myself unless I first accept myself, and if I accept myself fully in the right way, I will already have surpassed myself.ā€ Thomas Merton.

Peace to everyone reading this blog post. Have a good week. Day 19 of #31WriteNow


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