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My results from using my new tool: The ZYTO Compass Scanner (VIDEO)

Posted by | September 30, 2011 .


Your herbalist Marguerite

It has been about a month now since my ZYTO Compass scanner was delivered to my home office. This is a tool I’ve wanted for a while, but was motivated to go ahead and get it after I attended an event here in Chicago sponsored by Dr. Hugh Jenkins and representatives from ZYTO Compass. The presenter clearly explained how this scanner works and how they were able to link all of Nature Sunshine’s products to this software.

You can watch a video I posted on a previous blog post. It is a simple test herbalists and natural health practitioners can offer their clients. It only takes about 5 minutes. It helps people to know which supplements their bodies prefers. It has been helping my clients to be more aware of their weaker body systems. I am excited to be able and help my clients and my own family get on healthy programs. I am already seeing the benefits with myself and my family.

I created a 2-part youtube video to describe how this great tool has helped me as an herbalist and some of the experiences I have seen already with my clients. Good video for  natural health consultants and massage therapists to watch who may be considering purchasing this tool. Continue to follow my blog for more updates.

Watch the video and feel free to leave your comments.

For more details on ordering your own ZYTO Compass go to:

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4 Comments so far
  1. Serena Gibson October 1, 2011 11:34 p10

    This is awesome Margurite! I’m so proud of you !

  2. Nita October 2, 2011 11:34 p10

    Very interesting. I definitely want to learn more about the scanner. I’m going to have to stop procrastinating and get with you real soon, Marqurite. You always share great information.

  3. Rosalind October 4, 2011 11:34 p10

    very informative you go girl ! Be in touch soon.

  4. Janice Robinson October 7, 2011 11:34 p10

    Great video! Thanks for sharing your different tools.

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