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WATCH THIS – then decide on flu vaccine

Posted by | November 16, 2017 . Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny makes it plain on this video…   THIS IS A REPOST FROM 2009, BUT STILL IMPORTANT INFORMATION TODAY IN 2017 We all remember the Swine Flu scare back in the early 2000s. I wrote this post back then, but it still helps us today in understanding vaccinations…   First, I […]

Dr. Tenpenny shares knowledge on the vaccine for pertussis.

Posted by | June 29, 2010 .

TV ads and discussions have been going around lately on the outbreak of pertussis in California. Dr. Tenpenny shares great information on natural health and the “untold truths” of vaccines. Her latest online newsletter reports “Pertussis is more worrisome in children less than 3 months of age due to the small size of windpipe. Unless you […]

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