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10 reasons you need a cleanse and more…

Posted by | January 11, 2016 .

me on periscope



I’ve been scoping all week and sharing a list of reasons you need to do a good colon cleanse. Everyone who follows me on Social Media and my Health blog know I am always talking about Nature Sunshine and their high quality products, including their herbal colon cleanses and para-cleanse. If you missed my live video casting on Periscope – an app you can download to your phone or tablet, you can also watch my recorded videos on Hear the full list of reasons you need to cleanse. It is defiantly a great start to change over to a healthier lifestyle. You hear lots of people talking about cleansing now days. I’ve heard Steve Harvey and his radio show promote colon cleansing. Othere celebrities like to cleanse. It does help you look healthier along with feeling great.

I am offering a package on my Spa website where you get a 30 day supply of the herbal colon cleanse plus a consultation to review the details. Go to:

I will be continuing to do Periscope video chats in the upcoming weeks sharing more holistic health tips and remedies. Follow me @momsherbs.

We will be hosting a 13 week holistic health weight loss program in Homewood, IL. Come out January 17th for the intro class.

Contact me for details. Call or Text me at: 708-232-8970.

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