Natural alternatives for Insomnia

sleepingPeople are seeking their herbalist for that special remedy to help them get a good night’s sleep, but to rid insomnia may not be as simple as taking an herbal supplement. With natural healing the goal is to get to the root cause of the issue and deal with that rather than covering up the symptoms with medications. More and more people are seeking remedies for sleep disorders, they are part of the fifty million people in the U.S. who just want to get a good night rest because they suffer from insomnia or they are struggling to remain sleep throughout the night. Unfortunately sleep disorders lead into more health issues such as a surpressed immune system, stressed nerves, glands and drained energy reserves.
It is so important to get the proper amount of sleep in REM (rapid eye movement) -also known as dream sleep, every night. This is how the body rejuvenates itself and does the repair and maintenance it needs. The needed hours of sleep varies from person to person, some needing only five or six hours while others need eight to ten hours.
Lifestyle changes
In these stressful times we live in we have to work harder to de-stress ourselves and do things to improve our rest. It is important that we form a routine where we have a regular sleep pattern, retiring to bed at the same time each night. Sleep in a dark room candlesbecause Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the pineal gland when it is dark. It directly influences the brain to induce sleep and is further broken down into the neuro transmitter, serotonin, which helps both sleep and mood. This shows why sleeping with the television on can disturb your sleep because it is a light source. Depression, anxiety, worrying is linked to insomnia. Try to clear your mind before bed. Write down your thoughts to ease your mind. Meditation and deep breathing will help you to release all your anxiety and stress.
Diet and Exercise
Don’t eat a heavy meal right before retiring, the undigested food can interrupt your
rest and is hard on your health. Drink a soothing tea that will help you relax before bedtime. Smoking cigarettes only stimulates the body and can cause sleep problems. Avoid caffeine intake, especially before bedtime and don’t take stimulating herbal supplements. Some medications can disturb vour sleep also. beware of over-the-counter medications that contain caffeine or caffeine-related substances.
A good way to unwind is to take a walk and/or do some stretching. Yoga is a great way to unwind also. Including exercise in your daily schedule will help you rest better; just keep the heavier exercising for earlier in the day.

Suggestions from your herbalist for a good night’s rest
Health issues that cause insomnia can vary from person to person, this is why it is important to get with your herbalist to review your personal issues, list of medications and daily routine. Take the FREE HEALTH ANALYSIS offered at
It is important to nourish the nervous system. Anxiety, tension, depression even high blood pressure can be linked to lack of vitamins needed for the nervous system. Nutrients such as Vitamin C, B-Complex, Calcium and Magnesium will help. Many of my clients love Nutri-calm, which is an antistress vitamin. Other supplements like Kava Kava, adaptagens like Siberian ginseng and Licorice are good.

The liver is the organ of emotion and depression an issue leading to insomnia will occur. Detox the liver with supplements such as Liver Cleanse, Dandelion, and Enviro-Detox. Ask your herbalist about a full detox program like the 90 Day colon cleanse. The colon is the sewer system of the body.
If you want more information on insomnia, depression, anxiety attacks or other health issues contact your herbalist Marguerite Wright. For every disease or disorder there is a natural alternative. All the supplements mentioned in this blog are available at

Peace and Blessings

Listen to the doctor – May save a man’s life!

drj2x3color22I am so excited about my recent show with Dr. Jenkins, doctor of naturopathic and chiropractic care. He was my very special guest, along with the smooth singer Joshua McCain. If you didn’t get to listen to this show I highly recommend it. Dr. Jenkins covers the ways men should deal with prostate health, male menopause and more. He recently contacted me to even share an awesome testimony he didn’t get to share on the show:
Dr. Jenkins states:
case history about one of my patients that had Prostate Cancer and he saw on the Internet that it was related to a virus. We in natural healing have known that for years. So I put him on a program with Herbal Pumpkin and other herbs and after 4 months he was retested and had NO more CANCER. I will put that on my webinar on Thursday March 26,2009 at 9:00 pm.
Call 773-445-6800 for more details about the webinar. Tell them you hear about it here.

PLUS: Listen to the smooth mellow song of Joshua McCain, Neo soul singer  of You can hear the recent podcast recording right here at or go to my blogtalk page:
Recorded podcast of Dr. Jenkin’s interview

Hot Topics from the week of Feb. 23:

Healthy pregnancies:
getstockimageaspx1I am chatting with a few moms-to-be on twitter and I shared a list of recommended herbs for pregnant and new moms. One herbal supplement I always tell pregnant moms about is an herb I took with my three sons and my oldest daughter took while pregnant with her two children. This herbal blend with red raspberry and black cohosh root helps strengthen the uterus and is good to take the last five weeks of pregnancy. 5-W

Erykah Badu announces baby’s birth and name on twitter: images

Must see videos:
New category here on my site with links to videos for new moms, Supersize Me documentary and a video showing the removal of a worm from a woman’s brain! More video links to come.

Mom’s Healthy Radio show’s upcoming topics for March:

My March Blogtalk radio show topics:
March 5th – Natural Liposuction secrets plus more amazing beauty tips

March 12th – Motivation, Testimonies and Hot R&B Musical guest, LaVar Thomas

March 19th – Discussing PCOS which can lead to Diabetes

March 26th – Special Guest, Hondo Solomon, Iridologist, Fruitarian, Nutritionist and more

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