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Fighting the flu bug, or want to prevent ever catching it, naturally?

Posted by | January 26, 2014 .


I am always ranting and raving about Nature Sunshine’s Silver Shield. This patented formula of Silver kicks germs and viruses right in the butt!!! I have many testimonies about it on my TESTIMONIAL page here. Read my latest testimony by my beautiful daughter Leah. Her job has her working around little ones all day at a daycare center, so germs are flying everywhere. Soon as she started feeling bad she knew to grab a bottle of Silver Shield….

Leah is back to her beautiful self, thanks to Silver Shield!

Leah is back to her beautiful self, thanks to Silver Shield!

Leah’s testimony (January 2014)

The flu bug appeared yesterday –  Fever, head throbbing, sore throat, etc. I try to stay away from medicine that simply masks the problem. I opted for Silver Shield which is a natural antibiotic that DOES NOT kill good bacteria like the antibiotics our doctors prescribe. In less than 24 hours I feel almost back to normal!! Silver Shield is an odorless, tasteless liquid which is perfect for people like me who dislike swallowing pills!

Purchase your bottle of Silver Shield right on my online store. NSP also has Silver Shield gel which works well on cuts, burns and open sores.


Also, read my latest article on I share popular holistic treatments celebrities love for health and beauty like cupping, acupucture, colonics and even the ZYTO compass scan… (click on headline below…)

Holistic therapies for beauty enhancement and anti-aging

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