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4 week challenge over – CBD Tea is great!!! Moving forward with my weight loss!

Posted by | March 2, 2020 .

Iā€™m happy to say it is March and the February challenge I participated in with fellow Wakanna distributors who were testing out the new ā€œto be releasedā€ CBD Coffee and CBD Tea is done. We took pictures on the first day of the challenge and the last day. I could see a little difference in […]

Monday – week 4 of weight loss journey with CBD tea and some STRONG Inspirations

Posted by | February 24, 2020 .

Wow, I canā€™t believe all the inspiration I have experienced today as I woke up to face another Monday. I have been trying to stay focused, manage healthy meal plans, drink lots of water, drink my Wakanna CBD tea daily and workout. It can get tough sticking to your program 100 percent but I got […]

Week 2 of my healthy program with Wakanna CBD Tea

Posted by | February 10, 2020 .

As we go into week 2 of keeping steady with our CBD Tea and CBD Coffee our group is doing great! I feel good and less bloated. Iā€™ve dropped 3.8 lbs and I am so pleased! I also feel good from working out daily with Tiffany Rothe. She is my professional fitness trainer who comes […]

Join me Monday morning on a radio interview!

Posted by | February 9, 2020 .

My business partner Darlene Kemp and I will be discussing the amazing movement – Wakanna for Life. Learn more about this great line of CBD products on Blogtalk radio and Facebook Live. See details below…. Set Your Alarm for Monday Morning Mindfulness! Start your day informed, empowered and spiritually protected ! Guest include Marguerite Wright, […]

Momsherbs celebrates Chase’s new musical release!

Posted by | February 7, 2020 .

I’m so excited and impressed by the talent that surrounds me with my children and even their friends who I consider my sons too! We call him Chase and I know he is a great actor. He and my sons were in Speech competitions together at Thornton High School, in Harvey, Illinois. They went downstate […]

My photos to motivate me to stick to it!!!

Posted by | February 6, 2020 .

Photo from this Superbowl Sunday 2020. I can count this as a BEFORE pic The weight management program I am on is going well. I don’t feel too hungry. In fact, I’m eating more than normal, just lest snacking, which I have a bad habit of doing. We have a great group of people from […]

February – Daily Blog during my weight management with Wakanna CBD Tea!

Posted by | February 4, 2020 .

If you have been a reader of my blog over the years, thank you so much for keeping up with me. As you see, sometimes I am not as active as others, but I am motivated to get back into it. Hoping to blog daily in February while Iā€™m doing a weight management program with […]

ALERT: Recall of Baby Sleepers due to suffocation

Posted by | January 30, 2020 .

News media is reporting the dangers of some baby sleepers.Ā  A recall is reported with certain brands. Parents need to watch sleeping babies closely and lay them on their backs while sleeping. To see the list of sleepers that are being recalled check the link below: Continue to follow Mother Knows Best for Herbal […]

My thoughts on the lost of Kobe Bryant & daughter + more comments…

Posted by | January 27, 2020 .

As I was just thinking about getting back into blogging more frequently and starting to collect topics I could talk about, Sunday was one of the most horrible things to happen in a long while with the death of nine people in a helicopter crash in California, which included the Legend Kobe Bryant and his […]

Come join me this Saturday + more upcoming events

Posted by | October 22, 2019 .

If you are in the Chicago area I hope to see you this Saturday at a gathering in Homewood. I will be discussing the health benefits of an awesome plant given to us by God – Cannabis. Also, if you didn’t know – I’m also a visual artist and I will have my work displayed […]

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