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Best Herbs for Diabetes Treatment

Posted by | March 30, 2017 .

    Article from guest writer Jon Reyes   Diabetes is a disease in which your body cannot produce or cannot respond properly to its natural insulin hormone.  This results in a metabolism of carbohydrates that is not normal, along with increased levels of glucose in both blood and urine.  There are two main types […]

Essential Oils and their Benefits (Learn the benefits of some single oils)

Posted by | March 17, 2017 .

      Article from our guest writer Jon Reyes   More than just an enjoyable part of a day at the spa, essential oils can provide tons of important health benefits all on their own! These oils, primarily made with plant extracts, are used as active ingredients in cleaning and personal hygiene products, pest control […]

BREAKING NEWS-Throw out your cheese, deadly – read details…

Posted by | March 16, 2017 .

  This popular brand of cheese has released a recall…  

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