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My Health tour starts this weekend in Detroit!

Posted by | January 16, 2019 .

Iā€™m looking forward to visiting my hometown of Detroit this weekend. Iā€™m coming with a message to share ā€œTake back your health.ā€ I will be hosting a Health Seminar covering the benefits of Cannabis oil and how people have been getting amazing results from this plant God created for the healing of our bodies! Cannabis […]

Start your healthy program ASAP!

Posted by | October 18, 2016 .

  Clients come locally and visit my holistic spa for health consultations. They can sit down with me, go over what health issues they have or just get on a preventative program to prevent dis-ease and dis-orders. They can get the ZYTO Compass scan which is a simple process that reads the body and lines […]

A MUST READ: Hypertension

Posted by | November 13, 2012 .

From the desk of my mentor Master Herbalist: Medina L. Nance – You need to know… HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE aka HYPERTENSION HBP is a “Symptom” of Imbalances, not a disease in itself. The job of the Heart is to pump blood throughout the body, to reach every part (toes, fingers, etc.). When the heart is […]

VIDEO: Great tips for Arthritis, Neuropathies, High Cholesterol and more

Posted by | January 18, 2012 .

You want to watch this video by Pharmacist Suzy Cohen. She likes to make us aware of all the natural herbs and supplements available to help various disorders. She points out how you should consider natural remedies and be aware of all the side effects that come with medications. She also reminds us to read […]

Health updates: You are what you eat

Posted by | May 31, 2011 .

I have been posting various interesting health articles I come across on my facebook fan page to share wth my followers because it is a quick way to repost important updates. Monday, May 30th when many were out celebrating Memorial Day several health articles ran on the internet that we all need to review about […]

Liver cleanse is on special this week – NSP members get discounts

Posted by | September 27, 2010 .

Donā€™t forget to take advantage of the weekly specials with Nature Sunshine. All members can order all the weekly specials at the special discount rate, plus members get all products at a 30-40% discount. It is easy to become a member too. You just go to my Nature Sunshine store ā€“ and make your […]

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