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Artificial Energy? DON’T DO IT

Posted by | April 22, 2010 .

6521_SmallEnergy drinks are very popular because everyone is looking for a quick fix but you need to really consider the ingredients in these drinks and decide if this is REALLY what is best for you. The ingredients usually includes sugar, frucose corn syrup, caffeine and the types of things you need to avoid.

For Education Week Nature Sunshine presents a new product that has all the things people are looking for in an energy drink plus it is very beneficial for you.

Solstic Energy

Some of the benefits include:

• Helps reduce physical fatigue.
• Increases mental clarity and focus.
• Helps the body mobilize fat stores to be used

Try this great drink at Mom’s Online Health Store

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Read my latest article on spots to educate yourself in Holistic Health

Home study of Holistic Health

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6 Comments so far
  1. nursing schools May 7, 2010 11:34 p05

    This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I enjoy seeing websites that understand the value of providing a prime resource for free. I truly loved reading your post. Thanks!

  2. Johny Fever May 12, 2010 11:34 p05

    Get more information about Solstic Products:

  3. Marguerite May 13, 2010 11:34 p05

    Thanks for the great link with more on Solstic products Johny. Remember you can order right off my site under SHOP with Nature Sunshine link. Business Opportunities too!

  4. Leslie Kahn May 20, 2010 11:34 p05


    I couldn’t agree more about energy drinks. The biggest scam at the moment is the Acai Berry Juice. The berry itself may be healthy, but with 37 grams of sugar in a serving of the juice, any benefit is outweighed by all that sugar consumption.

    Great info and resources on your site!!! Thanks so much for recommending massage therapy as a necessary part of one’s health regime.

    Leslie Kahn, Licensed Massage Therapist

  5. Marguerite May 21, 2010 11:34 p05

    Appreciate your comments Leslie. I am in school to become a Clinical Massage Therapist now!

  6. Zero August 12, 2010 11:34 p08

    Really looking forward to your work!
    I will always support you

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