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Vaccine update

Posted by | August 18, 2009 .
Photo by Negru Marius of

Photo by Negru Marius of

The topic on the choice to get vaccinations or not has been a very controversial topic but the information I read causes me to be very concern on the thought of allowing my family to get vaccinations. I don’t care if it is for the Swine Flu or any other disease. People need to really do the research and weigh all the pros and cons. I try to share facts here at Please stop by the “catergory section” under “vaccines.” Learn more about the ingredients used in vaccines. You do have a choice on rather or not to allow you and your children to be vaccinated. Exemptions vary from state to state. See the information I have posted for you.

Follow Dr. Sheri Tennpenny. She is on myspace: She shares informative information along with books, webinars and an office in Ohio.

Continue to read Mother Knows Best and follow natural alternatives for building a strong immune system for the whole family, from babies to grandparents. Mothers, we know breastfeeding is the best, God-giving immune builder in the world for your precious babies!

Silver Shield with Aqua Sol Technology should be on everyone’s shelves. This product provides powerful support to the immune system.

Recent headlines on vaccines are very disturbing…

Drug to combat swine flu leaves ‘1,000 patients in suffering’–in-suffering-1770644.html

Polio surge in Nigeria after vaccine virus mutates

Mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, EVERYBODY, you’ve got to read this blog…
Vaccine Action Letter at:
Please take time to read this letter. Go to the site and you can download a full pdf of the letter.

This letter points out important facts like:
Besides squalene, other vaccine ingredients include: animal tissues, viral proteins, foreign DNA and RNA, formaldehyde, live genetically-engineered viruses, and mercury that has been scientifically linked to skyrocketing rates of autism in children.

GOOD NEWS: According to several constitutional legal authorities, the Federal Government and WHO cannot legally mandate vaccines for small town America at the state level, they can only recommend it. The US Constitution provides for each state to decide whether or not to allow religious, philosophical, and medical exemptions, or to allow self-quarantine at a location of personal choice. It is your responsibility to tell local county, township, and state officials what you choose.

Read the entire letter at:

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1 Comment so far
  1. Terri Rainey August 18, 2009 11:34 +00:0008

    As usual, Marguerite, you have provided invaluable information to all of your followers and those on the web! Thank you for being so concerned about our well being. I too value the health of others!

    People need to know they have the choice to vaccinate or not and to be very very CAREFUL in doing so. I am taking Silver Shield for my vaccination and protection from the so called “Swine Flu” along with my many other natural nutrition supplements from my Youngevity (Soul Purpose partner) to keep my immune system in great shape and protect from viruses! This is the key! Protect yourselves everyday naturally!


    Terri Rainey
    Certified Herbalist

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