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February – Daily Blog during my weight management with Wakanna CBD Tea!

Posted by | February 4, 2020 .
Dr. Rita McGuire
Day 1 of my program

If you have been a reader of my blog over the years, thank you so much for keeping up with me. As you see, sometimes I am not as active as others, but I am motivated to get back into it. Hoping to blog daily in February while I’m doing a weight management program with CBD Tea with Wakanna products. If you haven’t heard of Wakanna keep reading my blog, you got to learn about this awesome CBD company and it’s also a movement! 

Wakanna is a company that was founded by four African-American women here in Chicago, IL but the company is nationwide. One of the founders is a doctor, Dr. Rita McGuire. She is also very much into health and fitness. She lost over 60 lbs herself a while back. She said she picked a few pounds back on but she is going HARD to lose those pounds and she is working with a group of us, trying out a new weight loss coffee and tea. I am drinking the tea and I am enjoying it so far.

The crazy part about losing weight on this program is that I am actually eating a lot more than I normally eat. We will be eating 6 times a day. Mostly proteins and veggies. I started back eating eggs for this program which I normally don’t eat much. We will also be drinking a gallon of water a day and working out 5 days a week. So I logged into my workouts with Tiffany Rothe who is a great fitness expert to follow. She’s on YouTube. Check her out.

So stay tuned to this program, and learn how it is working for me. I already take some other Wakanna products, the tinctures, CBD gummies and I use the topicals for my plantar fasciitis. I will tell you more on how CBD is really helping my heal pain!!!

If you want to know more about Wakanna CBD products feel free to call or text me at: 708-232-8970

My online CBD store is:

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