I want to take time out during Lupus Awareness Month to post a special blog. I lost a very special aunt who died from complications of lupus. She had kidney failure and went through many health trials and tribulations. I must say she was a strong woman and hardly ever complained. She is truly missed and her struggle is one thing that motivated me to become a herbalist and get the word out that natural alternatives can reverse serious health issues along with prevention from ever getting sick.
One of my dear friends, sisters and mentors Medina J. Nance is a good example of this. She was diagnosed with lupus and went on to eat healthy and get on a good herbal program to help strengthen her body. Through the grace of God Medina never had to take any medications for lupus. She was able to reverse her condition and when she went back to her doctors they saw no signs of lupus and she has been “lupus-free” since then. She is also a herbalist, educator and host of her own TV show in Chicago where she shares the benefits of herbs and colon cleansing. You can read her testimony along with others who dealt with autoimmune disorders on my TESTIMONIAL page.
When dealing with holistic health measures I recommend that you try the A, B, C, D approach to health. A=Activate, B=Build, C=Cleanse and D=Direct aids. With this approach you are working to strengthen the body and cleanse the body of toxins, parasites, mucous and waste that cause illness. People today feel they are in good health until they go to the doctor and the doctor diagnoses them with a condition, then they are given prescription drugs to put a “band aid” on the problem, but it does not do anything to rid the problem. Along with that, meds end up causing more side effects. We have to start a new way of thinking.
When I try to share alternatives solutions to people who come to me for recommendations they expect me to tell them about one “miracle” herbal pill that will solve everything. We have to start thinking differently. There are 3 basic reasons for illness: Stress, Toxins and Lack of nutrition. With this in mind we can strengthen our bodies and reverse illness by practicing a lifestyle that will supply us with the nutrition we need, detox our bodies and try to live stress-free.
You can reverse illnesses, diseases and disorders. It is important to deal with issues as soon as you can. Don’t wait til the condition is at a critical level to try and then rebuild the system. Once organs are damaged certain conditions are irreversible.
Contact your herbalist TODAY to get on your healthy program. Pass this blog along to your loved ones seeking help.
Remember prayer changes things!!! PEACE
8 basic steps of therapies for Autoimmune disorders (click on headline below).
People are twittering about Lupus awareness:
@Rhian73: I can’t say Happy Lupus Day or Happy Fibro Day or anything Re Happy Awareness month. There is NOTHING happy about this shit.
@SnoopDogg: Happy Lupus Awareness Month!
@HerJourneyMag: Did you know that May is dedicated to Lupus Awareness? Shanelle Gabriel shares her experience with Lupus to spread… https://fb.me/xREqvt1Z
@LALupusLady: LUPUS is one funky illness, each Lupus patient is unique and will manifest symptoms differently. Happy Lupus Awareness Month!
@KimKardashian: please help spread the word, May is Lupus Awareness month! Thank You, God Bless
@Genesis615: IT’S LUPUS AWARENESS MONTH!! Support the Torrie Foundation and “like” our FB page by clicking the link –> https://tinyurl.com/43t4rvo
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