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It’s Monday – anti-aging steps to take

Posted by | September 24, 2012 .

Ernestine Shepherd is an inspiration.


Today is my birthday. I am 51 years old and as the birthdays come and go, I begin to consider more anti-aging steps to take, so I can live a healthy life and be an example for others, especially my children. People sometimes are surprised at my age and tell me I look younger. I believe it is because I’ve live a simple life. I have never been a big drinker, never smoked or done drugs. I am not the athletic type, but I have tried to stay active. I believe strongly in taking my supplements to maintain my health, considering it is hard to get all the vitamins and minerals you need through your food now.

My goal is to focus on these basic things:


I have found an exercise routine I really enjoy – dancing. When I was younger I loved to dance. I grew up in Detroit and folks in Detroit love good music and good party. Now I go to Zumba classes regularly and I am happy I am dropping weight and inches from my body. I have a great Zumba instructor that blends the latin moves with R&B music that I love, so I don’t feel like I am working out, I am just dancing and enjoying the music. I think I can drop the weight I want to drop doing Zumba regularly. I’ve heard amazing testimonies from others and I plan to be a testimony.

Healthy diet and supplements:

I know I am at my best when I avoid fried foods, the white flour, white sugar and white salt and eat more wholesome meals; lots of fruits and veggies. As far as supplements I try to stay on a good multi-vitamin, take Flaxseed oil for EFAs, I love Nature Sunshine’s Nutri-calm for my B vitamins, Mindmax is good brain health and has magnesium. I like Capscium to help circulation and help manage my blood pressure, along with Nervous Fatigue Formula by NSP, Thai Go Juice an awesome power juice with good anti0xidants. Colon cleansing is so important to do on a regular basis also.

With the ZYTO Compass scan I learned my body needs supplements to help balance my hormones, it suggested Cramp Relief. To help my blood-sugar balance it suggested Garciniana Combination. The supplements I named are all by Nature Sunshine, found on my site:

Healthy Lifestyle includes God…

Proverbs 3: 1-2

My son, forget not my law, but let thine heart keep my commandments: for length of days, and long life, and peace shall they add to thee.

If you want to know which supplements your body prefers, schedule a ZYTO Compass scan today.

Your Herbalist,


Hit me up at: 312-550-2679


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