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Feeling tired and drained? Take some Spirulina

Posted by | December 14, 2009 .

sleepingOne of Nature Sunshine’s products on special this week is Spirulina If you are feeling tired or drained Spirulina can make a big difference fast. Unlike caffeine, it provides the body with nutrients and doesn’t drain your adrenals.

– Rich in antioxidants.

– Boosts energy and cellular health.

– High in B-12 and easy-to-absorb iron.

A great supplement to take regularly.

spirlinaSpirulina (100 caps) $2 off

Spirulina (100 caps) Buy 4 get 1 free

Chocolate bars still on sale

Go to this link to see full list of products on special this week and place order:


See my favorite health, beauty and fitness products of 2009CLICK HERE


Mark your calendars. The date has been set, next Online Certified Herbalist course on February 7, 2010. This is a 6 week course webinars, 2 nights a week. A day time course will be scheduled in the spring. Registration link will be set up soon. Sign up for this course to learn the basics in herbal health, nutrition and how to put together a healthy herbal program for yourself and others. Contact me if you want to hold a spot at: or go to CONTACT right here on the website.

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