Photo by Alex Bramwell
It is almost tax time. Election time is coming up in different areas. Families are struggling to keep their heads above water during these tough economical times. Parents have so many responsibilities. How can we handle it all without becoming totally stressed out? We have to put ourselves first. Take time out and do something to boost our energy and de-stress. Yoga is a great tool for this. Even if you just take 10, 20 or 30 minutes a day, it is an unbelievable way to stretch the body, focus on breathing and just totally go to another zone where you are clearing your head and get into poses that aren’t so difficult but release stress and tension. Yoga is so good for the spine.
More women are dealing with fibroid tumors and stress is linked to this. Hypertension is a growing health issue that connected to stress also. Get a yoga mat, a good DVD and a nice quiet spot in your home and give it a try. Work your way up if you can’t do all the poses at first. After time you will be able position your body in the various yoga poses and feel all the wonderful benefits.
I recommend Shiva Rea who has many great yoga DVDs. She shares yoga techniques on beautiful locations that help you to take yourself away from it all. Yogaworks is another line of great instructional yoga DVDs. If you have OnDemand TV you can find great yoga shows to check out before you buy the DVD. I am not an expert in yoga but I do love the results I get from a good yoga session. It is invigorating, relaxing and helps me tone and stretch my body.
Visit my Amazon estore today and shop for all your yoga needs.
After a good yoga stretch get out your bullet or blender and blend these ingredients together:
1 frozen banana
2 or 3 frozen strawberries
About ½ cup of blueberries
1 cup of almond, rice or soymilk
1 Tablesp of Vitawave
(Liquid multi-vitamins and minerals that really gives an energy boost. Find on my Nature Sunshine website).
You can also add other herbs and health juices by Nature Sunshine for a great energy smoothie.
Ultimate Greenzone – For a green smoothie add a scoop of this powdered supplement for added protein-rich grains such as quinoa, amaranth seeds, brown rice, millet and spirulina plus nutrient-rich greens such as kale, broccoli, alfalfa, chlorophyll, artichoke, asparagus, parsley, spinach and chlorella and more amazing ingredients. This will boost energy, curbs appetite and you will feel great!)
Nature’s Noni juice – The Noni fruit is an amazing fruit from the tropics that has so many benefits from being a cancer fighter, helps keep you regular, it is a natural pain killer, anti-yeast and anti-parasitic and helps to balance your blood pressure naturally.
Shop at My Nature Sunshine link and Amazon estore for products highlighted above.
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I love green smoothies – YUM!!!