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WATCH THIS – then decide on flu vaccine

Posted by | November 16, 2017 . Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny makes it plain on this video…   THIS IS A REPOST FROM 2009, BUT STILL IMPORTANT INFORMATION TODAY IN 2017 We all remember the Swine Flu scare back in the early 2000s. I wrote this post back then, but it still helps us today in understanding vaccinations…   First, I […]

Important Health Topics you want to know…

Posted by | October 20, 2009 .

Some hot topics that I have seen online through twitter, facebook and my emails are serious and I just had to share with all my readers. Young woman disabled from routine flu shot! It is a warning she wants everyone to hear: High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical “HMF” When Heated I was happy […]

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