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What’s your favorite alternative health treatment?

Posted by | May 4, 2010 .
Aromatherapy treatment.

Aromatherapy treatment.

Alternative health therapy is becoming more popular. One recent article noted that Alternative medicine booming in popularity.

People are learning that prescription drugs and surgeries aren’t the only option to deal with health issues. Relief from Arthritis can be achieved with the ancient Chinese treatment of Acupuncture. Some people find relief with massage, a form of soft-tissue manipulation. Yoga is also great for Arthritis and other pain relief. It is also great for stress and even depression.

Herbs are another alternative that has been around for centuries, along with Aromatherapy for many health issues to cleanse, build and activate the system.

People find Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Naturopaths and Herbalists can offer the services they are looking for in dealing with various conditions from migraine headaches to female health issues.

People have testified that massage helped their serious back problems. One woman visited a Naturopath that gave her the answer to what was going on with her body with Fibroid tumors, Endometriosis and cysts. She was able to avoid surgery. One doctor recommends going to a local massage school for affordable massages. They aid in toxin removal and increases oxygen flow through out the body.

You can find great testimonies on this blog from people who got health benefits from herbs under TESTIMONIES.

What’s your testimony? Leave a comment here and tell us your favorite alternative treatment and the location. We LOVE testimonies.

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2 Comments so far
  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marguerite. Marguerite said: Chicago share your favorite alternative health treatment (chiropractors, massage, etc.) Post on my blog or facebook. […]

  2. April May 5, 2010 11:34 p05

    I have used many things and many of them are good. My ND/CNC in TX has helped me for the last ten yrs. I have recently found an excellent wellness/chiropractor who uses a lot of kinesiology and nutrition. I enjoy the relaxation of accupuncture and massage – wish I could afford more of both! But my most recent tests through the naturopaths in TX and OH were for neurotransmitters (which many insurance now pay for through NeuroScience), IgG delayed food allergy testing through US Biotek, and NutrEval through Genova Diagnostics, whom also has some deals with insurance. I have used ionic foot baths and would do it again. It is nice to be able to take amino acids instead of prescription anti-anxiety drugs, eliminate reactive foods to reduce swelling and pain and lose weight, and take digestive enzymes to eliminate gout and a problem breaking down proteins, in addition to finding out just what MY OWN biochemistry needs. So, I love ND’s and the non-mainstream tests, although some doctors are finally becoming believers – hallelujah! I am all about getting to the root cause and fixing/supplementing rather than band-aid’s and side-effects.

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